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1: Iwano M+, Suetsugu N+, Nishihama R, Ishida S, Horie T, Costa A, Katsuno T, Kimura M, Iida K, Iida H, Nagai T, Kohchi T.

MID1-COMPLEMENTING ACTIVITY regulates cell proliferation and development via Ca2+ signaling in Marchantia polymorpha.

Plant Physiol. 197, kiae613 (2025).

+These authors were equally contributed.

2: Yamamoto-Negi Y+, Higa T+, Komatsu A+, Sasaki K, Ishizaki K, Nishihama R, Gotoh E, Kohchi T, Suetsugu N*.

A Kinesin-like protein, KAC, is required for light-induced and actin-based chloroplast movement in Marchantia polymorpha.

Plant Cell Physiol. 65, 1787-1800 (2024).

+These authors were equally contributed.

*Corresponding author

3: Huang YC, Liu CC, Li YJ, Liao CM, Vivek S, Chuo GL, Tseng CY, Wu ZQ, Shimada T, Suetsugu N, Masamitsu Wada, Lee CM, Jinn TL.

Multifaceted roles of Arabidopsis HEAT SHOCK FACTOR BINDING PROTEIN in plant growth, development, and heat shock response.

Environ. Exp. Bot. 226, 105878 (2024).

4: Yamamoto C, Takahashi F, Suetsugu N, Yamada K, Yoshikawa S, Kohchi T, Kasahara M.

The cAMP signaling module regulates sperm motility in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121, e2322211121 (2024).

5: Kong SG, Yamazaki Y, Shimada A, Kijima ST, Hirose K, Katoh K, Ahn J, Song HG, Han JW, Higa T, Takano A, Nakamura Y, Suetsugu N, Kohda D, Uyeda TQP, Wada M.

CHLOROPLAST UNUSUAL POSITIONING 1 is a plant-specific actin polymerization factor regulating chloroplast movement.

Plant Cell 36, 1159-1181 (2024).

6: Waksman T, Suetsugu N, Hermanowicz P, Ronald J, Sullivan S, Labuz J, Christie JM.

Phototropin phosphorylation of ROOT PHOTOTROPISM 2 and its role in mediating phototropism, leaf positioning, and chloroplast accumulation movement in Arabidopsis.

Plant J. 114, 390-402 (2023).

7: Iwasaki M, Kajiwara T, Yasui Y, Yoshitake Y, Miyazaki M, Kawamura S, Suetsugu N, Nishihama R, Yamaoka S, Wanke D, Hashimoto K, Kuchitsu K, Montogomery SA, Singh S, Tanizawa Y, Yagura M, Mochizuki T, Sakamoto M, Nakamura Y, Liu C, Berger F, Yamato KT, Bowman JL, Kohchi T.

Identification of the sex-determining factor in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha reveals unique evolution of sex chromosomes in a haploid system.

Curr. Biol. 31, 5522-5532 (2021).

8: Sullivan S, Waksman T, Paliogianni D, Henderson L, Lütkemeyer M, Suetsugu N, Christie JM.

Regulation of plant phototropic growth by NPH3/RPT2-like substrate phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding.

Nat. Commun. 12, 6129 (2021).

9: Kihara M, Ushizima T, Yamagata Y, Tsuruda Y, Higa T, Abiko T, Kubo T, Wada M, Suetsugu N*, Gotoh E*.

Light-induced chloroplast movements in Oryza species.

J. Plant Res. 133, 525-535 (2020).

*Corresponding authors


10: Ishishita K, Higa T, Tanaka H, Inoue S, Chung A, Ushizima T, Matsushita T, Kinoshita T, Nakai M, Wada M, Suetsugu N, Gotoh E.

Phototropin 2 contributes to the chloroplast avoidance response at the chloroplast-plasma membrane interface.

Plant Physiol. 183, 304-316 (2020).


11: Koide E, Suetsugu N, Iwano M, Gotoh E, Nomura Y, Stolze SC, Nakagami H, Kohchi T, Nishihama R.

Kinase in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha; A photosynthesis-dependent kinase for carbon metabolism.

Plant Cell Physiol. 61, 631-643 (2020).


12: Gotoh E+, Suetsugu N+, Yamori W, Ishishita K, Kiyabu R, Fukuda M, Higa T, Shirouchi B, Wada M.

Chloroplast accumulation response enhances leaf photosynthesis and plant biomass production.

Plant Physiol. 178, 1358-1369 (2018).

+These authors were equally contributed.


13: Gotoh E+, Suetsugu N+*, Takeshi Higa, Matsushita T, Hirokazu Tsukaya, Wada M*.

Palisade cell shape affects the light-induced chloroplast movements and leaf photosynthesis.

Sci. Rep. 8, 1472 (2018).

+These authors were equally contributed.

*Corresponding authors


14: Bowman JL et al.(113著者中95番目)

Insights into land plant evolution garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha genome.

Cell 171, 287-304 (2017).

15: Suetsugu N*, Wada M.

Two coiled-coil proteins, WEB1 and PMI2, suppress the signaling pathway of chloroplast accumulation response that is mediated by two phototropin-interacting proteins, RPT2 and NCH1, in seed plants.

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 18, 1469 (2017).

*Corresponding author


16: Kasahara M, Suetsugu N, Urano Y, Yamamoto C, Ohmori M, Takada Y, Okuda S, Nishiyama T, Sakayama H, Kohchi T, Takahashi F.

An adenylyl cyclase with a phosphodiesterase domain in basal plants with a motile sperm system.

Sci. Rep. 6, 39392 (2016).


17: Suetsugu N*, Takemiya A, Kong SG, Higa T, Komatsu A, Shimazaki K, Kohchi T, Wada M*.

RPT2/NCH1 subfamily of NPH3-like proteins is essential for the chloroplast accumulation response in land plants.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113, 10424-10429 (2016).

*Corresponding authors


18: Suetsugu N+, Higa T+, Gotoh E+, Wada M.

Light-induced movements of chloroplasts and nuclei are regulated in both cp-actin-filament-dependent and –independent manners in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Plos ONE 11, e0157429 (2016).

+These authors were equally contributed.


19: Ishishita K, Suetsugu N, Hirose Y, Higa T, Doi M, Wada M, Matsushita T, Gotoh E.

Functional characterization of blue-light-induced responses and PHOTOTROPIN 1 gene in Welwitschia mirabilis.

J. Plant Res. 129, 175-187 (2016).


20: Suetsugu N+, Higa T+, Kong SG+, Wada M.

PLASTID MOVEMENT IMPAIRED1 and PLASTID MOVEMENT IMPAIRED-RELATED1 mediate photorelocation movements of both chloroplasts and nuclei.

Plant Physiol. 169, 1155-1167 (2015).

+These authors were equally contributed.


21: Kasajima I, Suetsugu N, Uchida S, Wada M, Takahara K.

Collective calculation of actual values of non-photochemical quenching from their apparent values after chloroplast movement and photoinhibition.

Am. J. Plant Sci. 6, 1792-1805 (2015).


22: Suetsugu N, Takami T, Ebisu Y, Watanabe H, Iiboshi C, Doi M, Shimazaki K.

Guard cell chloroplasts are essential for blue light-dependent stomatal opening in Arabidopsis.

Plos ONE 9, e108374 (2014).


23: Komatsu A, Terai M, Ishizaki K, Suetsugu N, Tsuboi H, Nishihama R, Yamato KT, Wada M, Kohchi T.

Phototropin encoded by a single-copy gene mediates chloroplast photorelocation movements in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.

Plant Physiol. 166, 411-427 (2014).


24: Higa T, Suetsugu N, Kong SG, Wada M.

Actin-dependent plastid movement is required for motive force generation in directional nuclear movement in plants.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111, 4327-4331 (2014).


25: Kong SG, Arai Y, Suetsugu N, Yanagida T, Wada M

Rapid severing and motility of chloroplast-actin filaments are required for the chloroplast avoidance response in Arabidopsis.

Plant Cell 25, 572-590 (2013b).


26: Kong SG+, Suetsugu N+, Kikuchi M, Nakai M, Nagatani A, Wada M.

Both phototropin1 and 2 localize on the chloroplast outer membrane with distinct localization activity.

Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 80-92 (2013).

+These authors were equally contributed.


27: Kozuka T, Suetsugu N, Wada M, Nagatani A.

Antagonistic regulation of leaf flattening by phytochrome B and phototropin in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 69-79 (2013).


28: Suetsugu N+, Kong SG+, Kasahara M, Wada M.

Both LOV1 and LOV2 domains of phototropin2 function as the photosensory domain for hypocotyl phototropic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae).

Am. J. Bot. 100, 60-69 (2013).

+These authors were equally contributed.


29: Suetsugu N+, Sato Y+, Tsuboi H+, Kasahara M, Imaizumi T, Kagawa T, Hiwatashi Y, Hasebe M, Wada M.

The KAC family of kinesin-like proteins is essential for the association of chloroplasts with the plasma membrane in land plants.

Plant Cell Physiol. 53, 1854-1865 (2012).

+These authors were equally contributed.


30: Yamada N, Suetsugu N, Wada M, Kadota A.

Phototropin-dependent biased relocalization of cp-actin filaments can be induced even when chloroplast movement is inhibited.

Plant Signal. Behav. 6, 1651-1653 (2011).


31: Ichikawa S, Yamada N, Suetsugu N, Wada M, Kadota A.

Red light, phot1 and JAC1 modulate phot2-dependent reorganization of chloroplast actin filaments and chloroplast avoidance movement.

Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 1422-1432 (2011).


32: Kodama Y+, Suetsugu N+, Kong SG, Wada M.

Two interacting coiled-coil proteins, WEB1 and PMI2, maintain the chloroplast photorelocation movement velocity in Arabidopsis.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 19591-19596 (2010).

+These authors were equally contributed.


33: Takano A+, Suetsugu N+, Wada M, Kohda D.

Crystallographic and functional analyses of J-domain of JAC1 essential for chloroplast photorelocation movement in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 1372-1376 (2010).

+These authors were equally contributed.


34: Suetsugu N, Yamada N, Kagawa T, Yonekura H, Uyeda TQP, Kadota A, Wada M.

Two kinesin-like proteins mediate actin-based chloroplast movement in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 8860-8865 (2010).

35: Kadota A+, Yamada N+, Suetsugu N+, Hirose M, Saito C, Shoji K, Ichikawa S, Kagawa T, Nakano A, Wada M.

Short actin-based mechanism for light-directed chloroplast movement in Arabidopsis.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 13106-13111 (2009).

+These authors were equally contributed.


36: Tsuboi H, Suetsugu N, Toyooka-Kawai H, Wada M.

Phototropins and neochrome1 mediate nuclear movement in the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris.

Plant Cell Physiol. 48, 892-896 (2007).


37: Kagawa T, Suetsugu N.

Photometrical analysis with photosensory domains of photoreceptors in green algae.

FEBS Lett. 581, 368-374 (2007).


38: Tsuboi H, Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Negative phototropic response of rhizoid cells in the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris.

J. Plant Res. 119, 505-512 (2006).


39: Suetsugu N, Mittmann F, Wagner G, Hughes J, Wada M.

A chimeric photoreceptor gene, NEOCHROME, has arisen twice during plant evolution.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102, 13705-13709 (2005b).


40: Suetsugu N, Kagawa T, Wada M.

An auxilin-like J-domain protein, JAC1, regulates phototropin-mediated chloroplast movement in Arabidopsis.

Plant Physiol. 139, 151-162 (2005a).


41: Oikawa K, Kasahara M, Kiyosue T, Kagawa T, Suetsugu N, Takahashi F, Kanegae T, Niwa Y, Kadota A, Wada M.

CHLOROPLAST UNUSUAL POSITIONING1 is essential for proper chloroplast positioning.

Plant Cell 15, 2805-2815 (2003).


42: Kasahara M, Kagawa T, Oikawa K, Suetsugu N, Miyao M, Wada M.

Chloroplast avoidance movement reduces photodamage in plants.

Nature 420, 829-832 (2002).

43: Kinoshita T, Doi M, Suetsugu N, Kagawa T, Wada M, Shimazaki K.

phot1 and phot2 mediate blue light regulation of stomatal opening.

Nature 414, 656-660 (2001).


44: Kagawa T, Sakai T, Suetsugu N, Oikawa K, Ishiguro S, Kato T, Tabata S, Okada K, Wada M.           

Arabidopsis NPL1: a phototropin homolog controlling the chloroplast high-light avoidance response.

Science 291, 2138-2141 (2001).




1: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Signalling mechanism of phototropin-mediated chloroplast movement in Arabidopsis.

J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. 29, 580-589 (2020).


2: Christie J, Suetsugu N, Sullivan S, Wada M.

Shining light on the function of NPH3/RPT2-like proteins in phototropin signalling.

Plant Physiol. 176, 1015-1024 (2018).


3: Suetsugu N, Higa T, Wada M.

Ferns, mosses, and liverworts as model systems for light-mediated chloroplast movements.

Plant Cell Environ. 40, 2447-2456 (2017).


4: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Evolution of the cp-actin-based motility system of chloroplasts in green plants. Front.

Plant Sci. 7, 561 (2016).


5: Higa T, Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Plant nuclear photorelocation movement.

J. Exp. Bot. 65, 2873-2881 (2014).


6: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Evolution of three LOV blue light receptor families in green plants and photosynthetic stramenopiles: Phototropin, ZTL/FKF1/LKP2 and Aureochrome.

Plant Cell Physiol. 54, 8-23 (2013).

7: Wada M, Suetsugu N.

Chloroplast motility. In The Plant Sciences - Cell Biology: SpringerReference ( (Assmann S, Liu B. Eds). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

DOI: 10.1007/SpringerReference_368553 2013-10-01 07:42:21 UTC


8: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Chloroplast phototrelocation movement: a sophisticated strategy for chloroplasts to perform efficient photosynthesis. Advances in Photosynthesis – Fundamental Aspects (Najafpour MM. Ed.) InTech, Rijeka, pp. 215-234 (2012).


9: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Innovation of novel actin-based mechanism for chloroplasts to move. In Plant Science in Post Genomic Era. A Special Bulletin of ICPSPGE-2011 (Biswal B, Panigrahi J. Eds.) pp. 7-12 (2011).


10: Kodama Y, Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Novel protein-protein interaction family proteins involved in chloroplast movement response.

Plant Signal. Behav. 6, 483-490 (2011).


11: Suetsugu N+, Takano A+, Kohda D, Wada M.

Structure and activity of JAC1 J-domain implicate the involvement of the cochaperone activity with HSC70 in chloroplast photorelocation movement.

Plant Signal. Behav. 5, 1592 -1596 (2010).

+These authors were equally contributed.


12: Suetsugu N, Dolja VV, Wada M.

Why have chloroplasts developed a unique motility system?

Plant Signal. Behav. 5, 1190-1196 (2010).


13: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Chloroplast photorelocation movement. In The Chloroplasts. Plant Cell Monographs Series (Sandelius AS, Aronsson H. Eds.) Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 235-266 (2009).


14: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Chloroplast photorelocation movement mediated by phototropin family proteins in green plants.

Biol. Chem. 388, 927-935 (2007).


15: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Phytochrome-dependent photomovement responses mediated by phototropin family proteins in cryptogam plants.

Photochem. Photobiol. 83, 87-93 (2007).


16: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Photoreceptor gene families in lower plants. In: Handbook of Photosensory Receptors. (Briggs WR, Spudich JL. Eds.) Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim 349-369 (2005).


17: Wada M, Suetsugu N.

Plant organelle positioning.

Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 7, 626-631 (2004).


18: Suetsugu N, Wada M.

Cryptogam blue-light photoreceptors.

Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 6, 91-96 (2003).



1:末次 憲之


光合成(日本光合成学会 編、朝倉書店)、148-152 (2021).

2:末次 憲之


光と生命の事典(日本光生物学協会 光と生命の事典 編集委員会編、朝倉書店)、134-135 (2016).

3: 松田 修、末次 憲之、内田 誠一、和田 正三、射場 厚


日本生態学会誌 64, 205-213 (2014).


4: 末次 憲之*、和田 正三

“陸上植物の光応答戦略 -陸上植物における葉緑体の運動メカニズムの新機軸-”

植物科学最前線 4, 45-60 (2013).

*Corresponding author


5: 末次 憲之、和田 正三


蛋白質 核酸 酵素 増刊号、植物における環境と生物ストレスに対する応答(島本 巧ほか編、共立出版)52, 587-593 (2007).



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